
Melbourne High-Performance Camp

6 September 2023

Train like a pro at The National Tennis Centre

Designed exclusively for dedicated players seeking to unlock their full potential on the court

High-Performance Camps are tailored to provide a comprehensive training experience, focusing on three key elements: Tennis Specific Warm Ups/Stretching, On-court Tennis Squad Training and personalised performance workshops including nutrition, movement and much more. Camps will be exclusively directed by Tennis World head coach, Jarryd Maher and his most senior High-Performance coaches.

Daily Structure: Wednesday 20th – Friday 22nd September
9:00 am – 9:30 amTennis Specific Stretch/Warmups
9:30 am – 11:30 amTennis Squad On-Court
11:30 am – 12:30Performance (Gym, Speed, Agility, Movement and a Hands-On Nutrition workshop)
Friday 22nd September: Hand-on Nutritional WorkshopWith extremely high demand, Tennis World will host another hands-on nutritional workshop for all athletes on the final day of the Performance Camp. This workshop will entail an educational component presented by a qualified sports dietitian teaching you what you need to know about nutrition and performance in a fun and engaging manner. Followed by a practical component where you, as an athlete can gain the necessary skills to prepare food that will assist you in capitalising on the nutrition education you learn in the context of enhancing your performance as a tennis player.
Cost$120/day for non-members
$110/day for members 
$300 for all 3 days
Optimise your performance and minimise your risk of injuries with a detailed and thorough understanding of a tennis specific warm up. Camps will include dynamic warm-up sessions specifically designed to enhance your agility, speed and flexibility.

Tennis-Specific Warm Up: 9:00 am – 9:30 am
Get ready to immerse yourself in an intensive on-court training session led by our expert team. Our High-Performance coaches will work closely with you, providing valuable insights, personalised feedback and strategies to improve your technical skills, shot selection and overall game strategy.

On Court Training: 9:30 am – 11:300 am
The intense physical demands of tennis require a strategic selection of appropriate foods and fluids. To optimise hydration, fuel appropriately for training and recovery following matches, it is important players learn sports nutrition principles. Education in this domain will improve your performance and longevity as a player.