Scarlett Neilson

11 December 2023

Scarlett’s journey with tennis spans an impressive 12 years, a testament to her dedication and love for the game. Her talent shone early on, leading her to play for the North Queensland school team and later, the Canberra school team. These experiences not only honed her skills but also deepened her passion for the sport.

Scarlett’s commitment to tennis extends beyond playing; she has devoted 5-6 years to coaching, enriched by completing a foundational course. This has allowed her to share her knowledge and enthusiasm with others, guiding them on their own tennis journeys.

Favourite Programs at Tennis World?

Scarlett takes particular joy in ‘Hot Shots Tennis’ and ‘Cardio Tennis’, programs that combine the thrill of the game with physical fitness and fun.

Life away from the courts?

Away from the courts, Scarlett finds relaxation in the world of cinema and television. Watching movies and TV shows is more than just a pastime; it’s her way of unwinding and diving into different stories and adventures. This balance between her athletic pursuits and leisure activities makes Scarlett a well-rounded individual with a deep appreciation for both her sport and the simple pleasures in life.